
Saturday, March 21, 2015

5 Things

As I embark on the what I hope will become a very fulfilling blog I figured why not start out with a little get to know me, and why not do so with a quick 5 things that I can't live without. Some may seem odd, while others seem more obvious but they are all things that I must have to lead a happy life or at least a content one. These are in no particular order but let's begin.

1. Cell Phone
My phone has become my life line. Which I know that it should not but we live in a generation of tech by the masses and my phone has become my go to for everything. I use to not be so consumed with having my phone on my all the time but now where I am in life it is a must. For one I work 11 hours a day, I am also enrolled in online courses to earn a degree, and I am looking to start taking a certification program soon as well. So with that I am rarely home and in order for anyone to get into contact with me they have to reach me through my cell phone.

2. Coffee
When I was younger I never really cared for coffee, but my how that changes once you start working. I started working my first official job my senior year in high school. I basically had all the credits I needed to graduate so I would take classes half the day and then I would leave to go to work. When you're up at 5:30 am and not getting home until about 10 or 11 you kinda learn that coffee is needed to get through the day.

3. Nutella!!
Need I really explain...I mean it is nutella.

4. Laughter
I am generally a very happy person. I love life and feel blessed to have everything that has been given to me. With that being said laughter is such a big part of my life, and who I am. I love to laugh and have a good time. Granted there are times when laughter is not acceptable or what I feel like doing at time but it is something that I have learned should happen everyday in order to lead a happier stress-free life. Most things in life aren't that serious for you to get irate over so find the laughter in most situations and I promise you'll notice a change in yourself and your well-being. Laughing has scientifically been proven to be one of the best medicines (no that's not just a says!!).

5. Family & Friends
I would not be who I am or where I am without my family and friends. They are so important to me. Not many people are blessed to have as many amazing people in their lives as I do. My family is truly my everything and my friends are so awesome. I have people in my life that I have been friends with for over a decade and they are truly more like family. When you surround yourself with people doing positive things only great things are bound to happen.